Sunday, June 28, 2009

Uhg, Lack of Updates… Gaming and Baby Squirrels! DnD in there someplace…

So I’ve been fairly lazy in my ability keep up with my blog, however that does not mean there is nothing to mention. There have actually been plenty of happenings in the recent month!

I re-addicted myself to Call of Duty: World at War. I took the plunge and went prestige mode, which wipes out all of weapons and perks for looks and small bonuses. A small way for me to keep playing I guess. It has made me look at using other weapons and how effective they can be.

Another game I have also maintained an addiction to has been Agricola; however this addiction is much tougher to feed since I have only one person to play it with right now. Not to mention at this point an individual who probably beat me more than most. My copy came in the mail finally and I dumped a good $30 dollars more buying boxes and sleeves to keep all the pieces and cards in good shape for a long time. I have another $30 or so to spend to get the cooler pieces.

So my mom and I picked up 9 baby squirrels from my work. It was a little difficult for me to see the all die on a daily basis from other predators and the equipment we must use around work. I figured if I took them home they would have a chance. So I did the research and discovered we have everything to keep them alive and going. Now they are doing incredibly well and hopefully in a month or so we can release them!

I play Dungeons and Dragons on Saturdays now, officially inducting me into the realm of nerdy-ness. We have a blast every afternoon playing with 6 people plus a dungeon master. A dungeon master engineers a story line and moderates how the non-playable characters (NPC’s) act such as monsters and friendly characters. As of now I’m currently playing a Paladin, the only way I think I will be successful at having fun with DnD is if I play something true to my personality in real life. I enjoy helping others and I tend to be extremely altruistic.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Semester Salvaged! Agricola on the way! Civilization: Revolution…

So much like the cowardly student I am, I’ve neglected to check my grades for the past few weeks in fear of what was a looming disaster. Worst and best cases were both avoided; however, I ended up with the middle case! Which were 3 C’s and a C+. Nobody should be proud of such grades even as a Computer Science major, I simply could have done significantly better.

These grades, however, are satisfactory given the classes I was taking and the first half of an emotionally tormented year. I would have to say given all the obstacles blocking my path I’m actually fairly pleased I came out unscathed. I had never taken two math classes in a given semester and basically two programming classes as well; to top it off I had a general education class to tack on.

Agricola is on the way! I have no one play it with at the present time that does not already have it, but I don’t care, it’s ALL MINE. I’ll be able to sift through the cards and study them better so I’m not reading them so much when I actually play the game with my buddy and other events like an idiot.

I plan to pick up the animeeples (little replacement pieces that add fun to the game) next month. The pieces represent the actual items you receive in game such as Wheat, sheep and so on. The game is highly addicting.

I’m really enjoying Civilization in my free time. I attempted to play a few online games but the people I have been matched up against have been fairly slow and it takes almost 20 minutes to get through the first 20 turns. Even against PC opponents I can limit my turns to at most 30 seconds after the first 20.As of now I bounce between that and Call of Duty: World at War. Warcraft 3 has disappeared...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

E3 has arrived! New Articles and I don’t know WTF to do with myself !!

I didn’t get a chance to go this year but I’m sure at some point in my career I will make to this event!!

So finally new hotness has arrived in what has been a depressingly stale game market. With only a few games such as Starcraft 2 and Diablo III on my radar, I was feeling pretty down in video games.

New Hotness #1

Star Wars: Old Republic

I think I jizzed my pants after watching this video. To me there is almost nothing that echoes awesomeness than a bitchen light saber fight. This game will hope fully have a decent shelf-life against World of Warcraft; however it needs to be done right! Time will tell but the irony is this game will probably not need to worry about WOW, but Starcraft 2 and Diablo III.

New Hotness #2

Metroid: Other M

Finally we have a Metroid game leaving the first person perspective. It’s not that I had a problem with a Metroid Prime series; it got old after two games. I failed to finish Metroid Prime: Corruption out of boredom.

Just in time to watch my dad, brother and his girlfriend take my Nintendo Wii to Texas. This was ingenious timing on my part. I don’t think I should be too concerned; the game is slated to arrive late 2010. Just in time to reunite with my loved ones, my nun-chuck, Wii-mote and console!

New Hotness #3

Super Mario Galaxy 2

Super Mario Galaxy was an incredibly fun game. I’m very pleased to not only see a sequel return but it has Yoshi as well OMGWTFBBQ… Mario tends to be one of a few games I’ll purchase that has zero multiplayer.

New Hotness #4 (No video)

New Zelda Game!

The great news here is we have a new Zelda game to finally take full advantage of the Wii. Admittedly I never played the Twilight Princess, but I’ll probably pick this up. I just hope they continue to use the same formula for Zelda games without the funny business.

Nintendo also announced a bunch of garbage for the Wii. Some piece of shit that will take my pulse and yet ANOTHER fucking Wii Fat… I hate to admit that these things are widely popular with the ladies, which has been problem demographic to grab in video game sales.

I saw a new Halo game announced but I have to admit that Halo was never something I was able to play. Gaystation is no ware to be found! Sony did however announce a new portable system called the PSP Go!

The CEO’s at Sony must be drinking something pretty outrageous because there fucking idiots. You plan to put out a new portable system against the DS and DSi in a market that Nintendo clearly has by the balls. Not to mention you’re also competing against the iPhone/iTouch. If Sony didn’t have all the financial backing they most certainly would be in tank by now! They need to crawl back into a hole, lick their wounds and find a new way to redefine their gaming products at a cheaper cost. Oh wait, Nintendo did that!

I got a couple new articles posted on

Not to crazy about this one… But it was a warm up.…/32666/

This one got better! The game was really fun; I suggest picking it up if you can
I’m currently working on two new ones. Hopefully see those in a week or two. With all of our E3 coverage it might be two.

So I don’t know WTF to do with myself!!!

I’m working full time and writing articles for this site and yet I still get bored and hit my head against the wall… I picked up Civilization: Revolution given the price drop but I cant find any games. I started playing Warcraft III again, that’s alright but I’m only good for a couple games a day. Lalalala is school here yet?