Friday, May 15, 2009

Turing Machine’s up the ass, camping and Texas phase 1.

So I completed my last final at 10:00pm last night. I took the full two hours to work on it; however I managed to finish all 10 problems within 90 minutes. So I did cleanup and fixed some of my errors and actually ended up rewriting another problem. Thanks to this man right here, half of our test was on Turing Machines. I was fairly comfortable with them, however they get extremely detailed so a couple mistakes and I could have royally screwed things up. Needless to say, I definitely saved par on that test.

I was glancing around the room trying to get a feel for were everyone was at on the test. I noticed a lot of puzzled faces and saw the 3 people around me stuck on what was one of the more difficult problems on the test.

Find a regular expression for the language a^i b^j where (i ˑ j) % 2 = 1.

Basically what this is saying is find a statement that gives me ANY number of a’s followed any number of b’s given the rules.

Where if I multiply the number of a’s I have by the number of b’s I have then I divide it by 2, I get a remainder of 1. By definition this is an odd number.

This is sort of a trick question as long as you know the definition of an odd number. Note if we multiply an even number times an even we have an even number, which is wrong. Same goes for multipling an even number by an odd number. The only way to get a correct solution is to multiply an odd number of a’s by an odd number of b’s.

So this language produces words (strings for you computer science people) such as…

aaab , aaabbb , aaaaab, abbbbb….. Notice if I multiply the number of a’s and b’s together its always odd. The solution I came up with was (a(aa)*(bb)*b). The * means I can have an infinite amount of those or zero. So I can have infinite amounts of aa’s and bb’s and I attach a single a and b to it to each end. Guaranteeing an odd multiplying another odd. (I guess that math shit is kind of helpful).

I built me 3 of these last night, on paper......

So we decided to scale down our camping trip. Instead of Kern River we are going to a small campground called Atwood Meadows out here some place. Kevo seems to know where it is at and apparently it’s “Tight”. I purchased a tent and cool chair that match the color of my Jeep. I’ll have to get a picture this weekend to post.

My plans for this summer are somewhat up in the air. I’m still debating on taking the last Calculus class I have been putting off for years know and I have an insanely good job offer from Verizon however I risk slowing down my academic progression by taking it. The things I do know for sure are that I need to brush up on my C skills. I need an operating systems class next semester and it is very C heavy programming. Having weak C skills killed me in my Architecture Class.

I also plan to work got once again. Simply having a place to publish more of my written work and add another years worth of skills is only going to help. I also brought home a bunch of game theory programming books from the library I plan to read, but we will see how far that goes.

Texas Phase 1 is underway. For those who are not in the know, our family has been attempting to sell the house for some time now with the intention of moving to Texas. My father has a great job offer out there and the family is honestly quite sick of this communistic state. The people here act like there shit don’t stink and the women are some of the most snobby/bratty/spoiled bitches I have every met.
Texas phase 1 include my father, brother and my brothers girlfriend all going to Texas as of June 1st. They plan to live there and begin establishing their life while my mom and I stay here to maintain the house and I continue going to school. My fate is still uncertain as to how soon I will be going to Texas. If CSUN is going to continue throwing money at me to go there I have no good reason to stop and out of state tuition will kill me in Texas.

An old urge of my past is slowing creeping back into me....

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